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lunch counter是什么意思

发布时间:2021-03-03 作者: 英语查

lunch counter 是什么意思


lunch:    n. 1.午餐;(两餐之间)便餐,点心。 2.作午餐[便 ...
counter:    n. 1.反对物,反面。 2.(鞋底的)后跟。 3.马的 ...
A lunch counter (also known as a luncheonette) is a small restaurant, much like a diner, where the patron sits on a stool on one side of the counter and the server or person preparing the food serves from the other side of the counter, where the kitchen or limited food preparation area is. As the name suggests, they were most widely used for the lunch time meal.


1.Henry's had been made over from a saloon into a lunch counter .

2.To go out there and beg for a place at their lunch counter

3.To go out there and beg for a place at their lunch counter . .
应该去他们的餐馆乞求午饭. .

4.To go out there and beg for a place at their lunch counter . .
应该去他们的餐馆乞求午饭. .

5.A modern variation on the lunch counter is the fast food operation

6.One of these is the lunch counter which ordinarily serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages

7.Mr . parsons : one of the other girls in the office can do it . if not , then you ' ll have to have lunch sent upstairs from the lunch counter in the lobby

8.Attempts to find biblical backing for separate lunch counters always required a bit of reading between the lines , whereas “ love thy neighbour as thyself ” is unambiguous

9.Attempts to find biblical backing for separate lunch counters always required a bit of reading between the lines , whereas “ love thy neighbour as thyself ” is unambiguous

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